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Messaggio  desktop20110425 Lun Mag 23, 2011 5:24 pm

each partition cC, * dD, &c. were split into two, and a free passage allowed between them for the air of the room. Something like this will be observed afterwards in some German stoves.
It is with the fame view of making an extensive application of a hot surface to the air, that the stove is not built in the wallHermes, nor even in contact with it, nor with the floor: for by its detached situation, the air in contact with the back, and with the bottom (where it is hottest), is warmed, and contributes at least one half of the whole effect; for the great heat of the bottom makes its effect on the air of the room at least equal to that of the two ends. Sometimes, a stove makes part of the wall between two small rooms, and is found sufficient.
It must be remarked, on the whole, that the effect of a stove depends much on keeping in the room the air already heated by it. This is so remarkably the. cafe, that a small open fire in the same room will be so far from iBirkinncreasing its heat, that it will greatly diminish it: it will even draw the warm air from a suite of adjoining apartments. This is distinctly Hermes Birkinobserved in the houses of the English merchants in St Peteriburgh: their habits of life in Britain make them uneasy without an open fire in their sitting rooms; and this obliges them to heat all their stoves twice a day, and their houses are cooler than those of the Ruffians who heat them only once. In many German houses, especially of the lower class, the fire-place of, the stove does not open into the Toom, but into the yard or a lobby, where all Hermes bagsthe fires are lighted and tended; by this means is avoided the expence of warm air which must have been carried off by the stove: but it is evident, that this must be very unpleasant, and cannot be wholesome. We must breathe thefame quantity of stagnant air loaded with all the va
pours and exhalations which must be produced in every Effect««f inhabited place. Going into one of these houses from Al''9 P1"^" the open air, is like putting one's head into a stew-pan ,,» or under a pie-crust, and quickly nauseates us who are accustomed to fresh air and cleanliness. In these n their construction, will equally apply to hot walls in ^fdeniiig, gardening, whether within or without doors. The only new circumstance which this employment of a flue introduces, is the attention wHermes outlethich must be paid to the equability of the heat, and the gradation which must be observed in different parts of the building. The heat in the flue gradually diminishes as it recedes from the fire-place, because it is continuallHermes Kellyy giving out heat to the flue. It must therefore be so conducted through the building by frequent returns, that in every part there may be a mixture of warmer and cooler branches of the flue, and the final chimney should be close by the fire-place. It would, however, be improper to run the flue from the end of the floor up to the ceiHermes Handbagsling, where the second horizontal pipe would be placed, and then return it downward again and make the third horizontal flue adjoining to the first, &c. This would make the middle of the wall the coldest. If it is the flue of a greenhouse, this ■ would be highly

Miles gregarius
Miles gregarius

Numero di messaggi : 11
Data d'iscrizione : 21.05.11

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