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Hermes outlet

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Messaggio  desktop20110425 Lun Mag 23, 2011 5:17 pm

is not the impulsive force of the blast that is wanted in most cafes, but merely the copious supply of air, to produce the rapid combustion of inflammable matter; and the service would be better performHermesed .in general if this could be done witHermes Birkinh moderate velocities, and an extended surface. What are called air-furnaces, where a considerable surface of inflammable matter is acted on at once by the current which the mere heat of X the
nd the heated air within the stove / jnuft not be allowed to get into the funnel which is to
carry it oft' till it is too much cooled to produce any considerable heat on the outside os the stove.
Ju this terape/atc climate no great ingenuity is ne
cessary for warming an ordinary apartmentj and stoves ETccti of are made rather to please the eye as furniture than as ^J.'4 f**" economical substitutes for an open fire of equal calori- / fie power. But our neighbours on the conBirkintinent, and especially towards the north, where the cold of winter is intense and fuel very dear, liave bestowed much attention on their construction, and have combined ingenious economy with every elegance of form. Nothing can be handsomer than the stoves of Fayencerie that are to be seen in French Flanders, or the Russian stoves at St PeterstWgh, finished in stucco. Our readers will not, therefore, Hermes Kellybe displeased with a description of them. In this place, however, we (hall only consider a stove in general as a subject of pneumatical discussion, and we refer our readers to the article Stove for an account of them as articles of domestic accommoHermes bagsdation. 363 The general form, therefore, of a stove, and of whichGenera' all others are only modifications adapted to circum-A""" * stances of utility or taste, is as follows: MIKX. (fig. 62.) is a quadrangular box of any size Plate in the directions MirIK. The inside width from front CCCCV. to back is pretty constant, never less than ten inches, and rarely extending to 20; the included space is divided by a great many partitions. The lowest chamber AB is the receptacle for the fuel, which lies on the bottomHermes outlet of the stove without any grate: this fire-place has a door AO turning on hinges? and in this door is a very small wicket P: the roof of the fire-place extends to within a very few inches of the farther end, leaving a narrow passage B for the flame. The next partition c C is about eight inches higher, and reaches almost to the other end, leaving a narrow passage for the flame at C. The partitions are repeated above, at the distance of eight inches, leaving passages at the ends, alternately disposed as in the figure; the last of them H communicates with the room vHermes Handbagsent. This communication may be regulated by a plate of iron, which can be slid across it by means of a rod or handle which comes through the side. The more usual way of shutting up this passage is by a sort of pan or bowl of earthen ware, which is whelmed over it with its brim resting is sand contained in a groove formed all round the ho

Miles gregarius
Miles gregarius

Numero di messaggi : 11
Data d'iscrizione : 21.05.11

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